Welcome to the first official #NAFOFiremission !!! In response to the larger ongoing problem of counter-reporting friendly accounts and general harassment of the supportive community.. after giving it much careful consideration.. we have made the decision to become worse.
Moving forward, when our community faces complicated problems, we will do our best to gather all available #OSINT to be shared here including possible solutions to the problem.
As time goes on in any theater of war, the terrain and the battlefield will inevitably be changed. Tactics evolve and a wise army or warrior adapts to the situation. The information front is an integral part of any war and is no different. Regarding the information front and the war in Ukraine, the enemy has adopted our tactic of reporting TOS violations.
We have discussed often in our blog series how to avoid negative action as a result of such. But I cant say this enough. Always cheeky and fun. Never cruel and tragic. The enemy will bait, trigger and report you. Don't feed the trolls. Never play chess with a pigeon as even when you are winning, it will just knock over all the pieces, crap all over the chess board and act like it won. Something something #NAFOworks ... something something Darkside.
That being said.. how can we deal with a large group of individuals and accounts working together to target us? We can raise awareness by sharing information.. and we can fight back. These types go after easy targets. Step one is above. Don't make yourself an easy target. The next thing we can do, is report the abuse. To the platform, and when necessary to the proper authorities including law enforcement. Trolling is one thing and the law enforcement community has more important things to deal with. But sharing personal information such as home address, larger patterns of ongoing cyber stalking and harassment including targeting ones family.. including stalking, harassing and attacking peoples CHILDREN .. terroristic threats to attack websites, hack people, ruin peoples lives... when you put all these things together.. you have a little something called "probable suspicion"
If you have been targeted, threatened by these individuals of worse, please reach out to the proper authorities. Some resources will be included below.
The next thing we can do to counter and disrupt such harassment.. is create resistance. We can at the least, make it difficult for them. We can make it costly in terms of resources. In this case, by reporting their TOS violations until every current account is inactive, locked or suspended. Then when they make more, we can take those fuckers out too.
Below is everything we know about the individuals involved including redacted personal information and all known accounts. We cant verify any of the following, are not responsible for publishing such directly nor do we endorse doxing. We are simply sharing publicly available information, our experiences with these accounts, and the sources of information.

Listed below are the main body of accounts. Typical method is bait, trigger, report targeting #NAFO and communities supportive of Ukraine. A number of individuals targeted found a likely identity after a basic #OSINT investigation. We wont name those targeted, but we will share the account posting this information. The #nafohunter accounts have made no effort to deny these accusations.
The following are all known accounts in the "NAFO hunter" network. We believe they are all the same person or a small group of individuals including our next featured guest.
Action : Block and Report! Please take a moment to help limit the harmful impact of harassment by reporting each account below as follows:
-- Abuse > Targeted Harassment
-- Hate > Hateful References
-- Spam

Our next featured guest much like his friend / friends above, also enjoys targeting #NAFO and the supportive community including surprise! ...
Including stalking and harassing peoples children online. The company we keep can say a lot about us and I cant say I'm surprised. Disgusted yes.. surprised no.

Formally known as a "super spreader" of ruzzian propaganda and general hate, after many battles with #NAFO and our network, he has been reduced to a sad, impotent shell of a wannabe ruzzian troll. While not very active in the visible realm of social media, he coordinates with the above network and participates with the reporting of friendly accounts. This individual is well known for epic LARPS and playing pretend to no end.

When we first crossed paths with our slavpowered frendo, he was pretending to be a hawt ruzzian teen e-girl. His catfish game was strong.. sending many love struck Romeo's, knights in shining armor and useful idiots to defend his/her honor by sacrificing their accounts on the alter of #NAFOworks. Many of which can be found on our own wall of shame here via the page titled "Tango-Down" in the site menu.
But the epic LARP doesn't end there! He also is allegedly according to him, both a 1337 ruzzian hacker.. AND a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officer slash web designer!
Who takes credit for.. and publicly announces his crimes on social media while creating new criminal exposure for himself with terroristic threats to hack websites! He proudly proclaims the stalking and harassment of children via his account on X. He makes clear, overt threats to engage in cyber stalking with the intent to quote "ruin peoples lives"
Trolling is one thing... saying stupid things online is another. But when you put all of the above together, and look at the larger overall pattern of behavior.. you have probable suspicion of overt criminal intent and exposure.
-- Action: Please block the following account and help those targeted by reporting it to the platform for the following TOS violations:
-- Abuse > Targeted Harassment
-- Hate > Hateful references
-- Spam

Here we can see him proudly letting me know that he has found my young niece after stalking and harassing her in an online children's game... she is not even a teenager.
So its no surprise to me that a wannabe child predator, is directly associated with an already convicted child predator.
If you are targeted, or you see others targeted by harassment on social media, please take a moment to report the abuse to the platform.
If you have been the victim of harassment and abuse in general, or have been targeted by any of the accounts above, please reach out and contact the proper authorities accordingly.
Reporting cyber crime to Canadian authorities including individuals impersonating RCMP:
Canadian Center for Cyber Security:
Reporting cyber crime to American authorities:
FBI Tip line: 1-800-CALL-FBI
Additional Resources for victims of abuse:
Please share this article everywhere. Thank you for the support, and a snappy Pirate salute to those who help take out such trash.
Captain No Beard
[ NoBeardEcho6 ]
Tactical Strike Media